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新年英语作文-The Lunar New Year

来源:大作文原创 文章作者:匿名 2024-04-28 05:41:14

Th Lunar Nw Yar Th Lunar Nw Yar is a grat occasion to th Chins popl. It lasts about th first four days of th yar, during which popl do not work xcpt for th workrs on duty. Studnts do not go to school, and shops ar dosd. Svral days bfor th nw yar, popl bgin to prpar. Farmrs kitt pigs, shp, cocks and hns. City dwllrs buy mat fish and vgtabls. Houss ar cland couplts ar postd on th doors. Colourful lantrns ar hung at th gat. On th v of th nw yar, ach family has its mmbrs gathrd togthr and ats a family runion dinnr. Aftr th mal thy watch TV until th clock stricks twlv. Thn vry family sts off long strings of small fircrackrs and othr fir works to wlcom th nw yar. On th first day of th nw yar, almost vryon is drssd in his or hr bst. Whn popl mt on th way, thy say to ach othr Happy Nw Yar. Frinds and rlativs pay nw yar calls and givs prsnts to ach othr. Childrn indulg thmslvs in gams. 阴历新年 阴历新年对中国人来说是个很重要的节日。它大约要持续4天,在这期间,除了值班人员外,人们都放假。工人不上工,学生不上学,商店关门。 新年前几天人们就开始准备。农民们宰杀猪、鸡、羊。城市居民买肉、鱼、蔬菜。人们打扫房子,贴对联,挂彩灯。 新年除夕,各家各广围坐在一起吃团圆饭。饭后,人们看电视,到了午夜12点,在这辞旧迎新的时刻,人们燃放各种烟花炮竹来庆祝。新年第一天,即正月初一,所有的人都穿着最漂亮的衣服,路上相遇,互相道新年好,亲戚朋友拜年互赠礼物,孩子们尽情地玩耍。

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